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Trees moving services in Orlando

Extensive experience as a tree relocation service company

Your reliable partner for professional and emergency tree services in Orlando, providing expert trimming, maintenance, removal and arborist evaluations.

Our team of arborists specialize in moving trees of all types and sizes for clients such as private companies, landscapers, communities, nurseries or fields, among others.

We carry out the relocation, transfer and subsequent evaluation, guaranteeing the care of the species in their new environments. In addition, we take care of managing any required moving permits and the final site clean up, so that nothing is left to chance and you won’t have to worry about anything.

At a time when cities evolve with the construction of new houses, roads and infrastructure, rather than cutting down trees and palm trees that interfere with these developments, moving becomes the more favorable solution for the preservation of the great benefits of conservation, aesthetic value and urban sustainability. and to give them another chance in a better location, while not having to sacrifice more mature and valuable species that we have lived alongside for a long time.

Advanced Equipment for Efficient Tree Moving Services

At Premier Outdoor Tree Services we have a hydro-crane transplanting machine, as well as backhoes, chippers and loaders perfect for the transplant, transfer and cleaning of small, medium and large specimens. A technology that allows us to carry out successful interventions by significantly reducing risks and work time. At the same time, during transport, we vigorously protect the soil with roots and foliage to reduce any stress on the trunks.

Through the use of this state-of-the-art equipment, our tree moving company manages to complete the opening of the implantation hole, the extraction of the tree and the move to its final destination, all while preserving the life of the trees. This being an essential task that we carry out with absolute know how.

Leading Tree Relocation Services with Professionalism and Environmental Commitment

We lead the tree relocation service thanks to our continuous evolution and professionalism that has allowed us to position ourselves as one of the most efficient and reliable companies with a wide range of services and commitment to the environment.

Experience our commitment and efficiency with our state-of-the-art equipment ensuring precision and excellence in every one of our tree care missions. Our extensive experience in transporting and moving trees in complex contexts ensures a service that will meet your needs.

Benefit from our professionalism and experience in moving and relocating your trees throughout Orlando and enjoy green spaces that are full of life and healthiness.

Ready for Expert Tree Care?​

Contact us to initiate a discussion about your tree care needs with Premier Outdoor Tree Services.